Over the years, as a Legal Marketing Pro I’ve seen so many lawyers and legal professionals set up their own businesses with a truckload of knowledge about the law but next to nothing about sales and marketing. But as a legal professional, why would you have modern marketing knowledge? You trained as a lawyer after all – that’s your zone of genius. And just like contracts or accounts aren’t mine, I get help from those who are experts. So I’m on a mission to showcase the transformative role that marketing coaching can play in positioning you and your business as a bold, brave and entrepreneurial legal professional. All while paving the way for sustainable commercial growth.
Hold up, what *actually* is coaching?
According to the big wigs at The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), coaching “aims to produce optimal performance and improvement at work. It focuses on specific skills and goals and is essentially a non-directive form of development focusing on improving performance and professionally developing an individual.”
And if you’re wondering what the difference is between coaching and mentoring, let me clear it up for you. Mentoring is all about imparting wisdom in response to specific problems or questions. Coaching is more about guiding you to come to your own conclusions and actions, by asking the right questions.
Marketing Coaching for Lawyers is the gift that keeps on giving
For lawyers and legal entrepreneurs – the beauty of marketing coaching, as opposed to mentoring, is that it’s a far more sustainable and long-term approach to setting you up for business success.
Maybe you’re a legal founder who really needs structured help getting your business ready for launch. Perhaps you’re a legal consultant evolving or scaling your practice. Or a lawyer in a law firm ready to invest in yourself, grow your personal brand and futureproof your career. Instead of receiving tactical tit bits of knowledge, marketing coaching equips you with the tools and systems to navigate a path towards success that works for you and your business. When you see yourself as part of that success, you’re far more likely to remain invested.
And this is the really important bit: don’t wait until you encounter a problem or challenge before you invest in a coach. Taking a proactive approach to coaching means you’re setting yourself up for success and giving yourself the skills you need to tackle those challenges when they come.
You’re not alone in feeling overwhelmed and confused by the fast-evolving marketing landscape. Marketing coaching is uniquely designed to guide you towards those strategies that will work uniquely for your own unique combination of business goals and ideal clients. So you can be visible and valuable to them, in ways that are authentic to you and that resonate with them.
Here’s what you should expect from legal marketing coaching
It all starts with determining what business success looks like for you. I mean the sort of success that sees you giving yourself (and your clients) high fives all round. Marketing coaching can help you work out what that success looks like and then set appropriate business objectives.
From there it’s all about creating unique and actionable plans that lay the groundwork for long-term, sustainable success.
Like any form of coaching, legal marketing coaching is all about asking the right questions; you know your ideal clients and your business goals better than anyone else. No matter our levels of genius! And this is why coaching is a more collaborative, partnership-style approach.
But it’s also about listening – one of the most important roles of a marketing coach is to help you differentiate in a crowded marketplace. To do that, we need to actively listen then reflect back – sometimes better than even you can – your unique opportunity to stand out.
Choosing the Right Legal Marketing Coach for You
When choosing a marketing coach, it’s worth making sure you can tick off a few things:
Do they have relevant marketing and legal industry experience and a proven track record of delivering results for other legal professionals? Do they fill you with confidence and trust?
But. And this is a big but! It’s also important to make sure there’s a strong personal connection with your future coach, that goes beyond their professional prowess. What are their values?
What’s their specific coaching approach? Every coach has a slightly different, unique approach. There’s no right or wrong – but invest the time into researching what’ll work best for you and your brain.
Plot twist: I could be your next legal marketing coach
I bet you didn’t see that one coming. Ok, maybe you did. And hey, maybe I won’t be. But even if I’ve helped you understand the nuances of coaching and what to look for in your legal marketing coach, then I’ll have done my job.
But while you’re here, let me tell you about Marketing Masterplanning – my very own marketing coaching programme designed to see your legal business soar to success.
Whether you’re new to your legal entrepreneurial journey, you’re scaling fast or you’re feeling a bit lost and directionless in the minefield that is legal marketing…I’ve got you.
The Saltmarsh special sauce is a delicious combination of bravery, boldness and rule-breaking. The legal kind, obvs. Because here’s the thing – I’m not here to help you reinvent the wheel. I’m here to gently coax you out of your comfort zone and try something new – something avant garde.
I come armed with twenty years experience across the legal market with an in-depth understanding of the best practice of law firms, the Bar, start-ups and scale ups. My knowledge of marketing to in-house legal teams and businesses when it comes to legal services and legal technology is second to none. But don’t just take my word for it – my LinkedIn recommendations speak for themselves.
Marketing Masterplanning sure as heck ain’t for the faint of heart but that’s because I want you to stand out in a sea of sameness with an electrifying personal brand and knowledge that showcases your leadership.
We’ll deep dive into your segment and work out where you play within this and identify how you can stand out, with messaging that’ll really differentiate you. You’ll understand your ideal clients like never before. You’ll have total clarity on tactics that work and marketing channels that work for you and your goals. Overwhelm will be a thing of the past; you’ll have a business partner, head of marketing, cheerleader and coach all rolled into one, right by your side.
It’s true what they say – the more you put in, the more you get out. Like any other type, marketing coaching is designed to support you in a structured and focused way and during a set period of time. After six sessions you’ll have a clear strategy and plan to stand you in good stead and give you all the direction you need for the next eighteen months.
When you fully commit to the process you’ll get all the right foundations in place to set you up for success. But you’ll leave with an entirely bespoke masterplan that’ll see you soar! Interested? Book a discovery call today and let’s master plan our way into 2025 and beyond.