Drive Your Legal Practice Forward: Master Marketing Momentum Coaching

Legal marketing: simply built different ⚡️ LinkedIn for Legal ⚡️ Lawbreaker ⚡️ SEND parent ⚡️Smashing narratives one at a time 👊

Photo by Cris DiNoto on Unsplash

If you’re a legal consultant, founder or entrepreneur, you’re in good company. According to a recent report from LexisNexis, 1 in 3 lawyers could be working as legal consultants by 2026. Stepping outside traditional legal practice offers more flexibility and control over your work. At the same time, you are now responsible for bringing in your own business. And for many lawyers, it is the first time they have had to do so without the support of an in-house marketing and business development team.

Marketing your legal services can quickly drain your time and energy. It’s difficult to know what will be effective, and without expert guidance you could be flailing in the dark. Skip the wasted energy on ineffective tasks and focus on what works for you and your business. These tips will explain some of the marketing avenues open to you, while expert coaching through Marketing Momentum by Saltmarsh can help you zero in on the tactics that will serve your business best.

Legal Consultant Marketing Tips

Digital marketing has paved the way for non-traditional law practices to thrive. There are extensive opportunities to put your business in front of potential clients, if you know how to capitalise on them. These are the most common tactics used to promote legal services digitally.

Social media

Social media platforms, especially LinkedIn, can be a powerful tool for lawyers seeking to build their network and reputation. Providing opportunities to showcase expertise and engage with potential clients, social media can be used to strategically develop your personal brand. If this is something you need support with, our LinkedIn for Legal training will help you level up.

Client reviews

Digital proof matters. Positive reviews from your clients about your legal services are powerful endorsements that build credibility. Encouraging clients to leave reviews on LinkedIn, Google and specialist sites like ReviewSolicitor enhance your reputation and encourage potential clients to work with you.

High quality content

Say something worth reading. Whether you are fuelling social media conversations or driving Google search traffic to your website ina blog or article, you need to offer valuable insights in your content that are optimised and aligning you with the right search terms.

Email marketing

There is still a place for email marketing. Stay top-of-mind with clients and prospects by delivering insights directly to their inbox. As long as information is targeted to your clients and packed with value, it’s a sound tactic.

Legal Marketing Coaching for Lawyers

Marketing your legal services requires flexing sales muscles that you probably never developed.  This isn’t your fault – legal training focuses on the law rather than legal marketing. But before you can impress clients with your knowledge and ability, they have to be able to find you. Digital marketing provides plenty of opportunities, but it’s hard to know where to start.

Marketing Momentum is marketing coaching for lawyers that understand the balance between high quality and cost management. Together we will create a marketing plan for your business that makes it clear which efforts will pay off. Every marketing plan is unique and driven by your client opportunities and contacts – no generic advice here.

How does Marketing Momentum Coaching work?

Marketing Momentum meets you where you are, and delivers a clear path to results. I’ll send you questions in advance, and then we will dive in deep with a one hour session to talk through goals and meaningful action steps. I listen to what’s worked for you (and what hasn’t) and get to know you and your business fully.

From there, you’ll receive a follow-up plan and roadmap that takes the guesswork out of what to do next. No more wondering which types of marketing efforts are worth your time. Instead, you’ll have the blueprint to marketing that works uniquely for you.

Even after our session, you won’t be alone. I’ll stick with you as an accountability partner to keep you on track and cheer your success. Book in recurring sessions at a bulk discount to reevaluate and pivot as needed.

Ready to get clear on your marketing plans? Book a Marketing Momentum session now.

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